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"The Festival of Love"







Since 1997 until today, "To Ergastiri" organizes every year the "FESTIVAL OF LOVE" with the aim of raising awareness - through the creations of the service users of the Center - of the citizens of Athens regarding the creative and work possibilities of people with intellectual disabilities. 

The event includes an exhibition of creations by the Center's beneficiaries, artistic events, but also communication with businesses - employers and other social partners and synergies with voluntary and non-governmental organizations. 

Previous events have taken place in the outdoor area of Zappeion, under the Auspices of the Hellenic Parliament and the support of the Ministry of Health & Welfare, the Prefecture of Athens and many Municipalities of the Attica region, in the Syntagma Metro, in Kotzia Square and in the Municipality of Kifissia. 

The event is framed by communication campaign to inform the public through the broadcasting of spots from the largest television channels and radio stations of national scope, announcements in the press, posting of posters in central points of Athens and distribution of informative flyers, as a result of which thousands of people respond to our call. 

An important role in the organization of the event holds the contribution of the media with their kind sponsorship of communication for the invitation of the world, but also the participation of embassies, parliamentarians, politicians, people of arts and letters who give their own message of support for the effort that “To Ergastiri” is making. We thank them very much. 


Annual events

Organization during the year of various events, such as fashion shows, galas, bazaars, theater performances, as well as the very beautiful Bavarian Evenings with live music, organized by the Athens Universe Lions Club, at the German School. With the noble participation and assistance of non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, theater companies and individuals.

Schools information program

"To Ergastiri" considers the awareness and familiarization of young people with the issue of intellectual disability and the social inclusion of PWID, to be of the utmost importance. As part of the Educational Visits carried out by schools to the premises of "To Ergastiri", an information and awareness program is implemented for the young members of our society, with the screening of a specially designed video presentation of the subject, visits by the young people to the premises of the workshops to see the beneficiaries of the Center at work, but also to have the opportunity to communicate and talk with them. Our hope is that in this way the acceptance of diversity is fostered in the new members of Greek society and it is realized that with our common human nature as a point of reference we are all "differently the same".

Cooperation with Higher Education Institutions

The Center is in collaboration with various departments of the Universities in Greece, public and private, in order to give the opportunity to interested undergraduate and graduate students to carry out their internship in its premises.

Multidimensional Events and Activities

Exhibitions of paintings and visual works by the service users of the Center
Publication of a newspaper by the trainees with the help of the experts, with the aim of stimulating the creativity of the beneficiaries of the Center, their active participation in group work, informing parents, raising the awareness of businesses - organizations in matters of training and work potentials of PWID, so that to help their inclusion.
Cooperation with Organizations, Services, Businesses, Local Government Organizations, the Church with the aim of finding apprenticeships and gathering information.
Participation of our service users in sports activities, organized in collaboration with sports bodies and local government bodies.
Afternoon Club.
Its operation aims, through entertainment and other programs, to socialize the beneficiaries and raise public awareness.
In “To Ergastiri" there is a fully equipped model dental office with the support of the Laboratory of Social and Preventive Dentistry of the School of Dentistry of the University of Athens.

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